
There’s something about you and nature that go so well together. Maybe it’s because there’s so many corresponding characteristics between the World and you.

The Sun: When I look at the Sun, I am reminded of your brightness and think maybe, long ago, the Sun whispered to you the secrets of how to shine and spread warmth.
The Moon: When I look at the Moon, I see the same glow. How at times the glow is soft and warm, but at other times it is illuminating and spellbinding. Maybe the Moon, whispered to you long ago how to be the one I can always count on in the middle of the night, I can look to you and you’ll always be there.
The Wind: I feel you when the Wind brushes along my face as if it was your own breath. Just taking a moment to smell the fresh air and have it fill my lungs, it is as if I was breathing in your air. You are everywhere, but nowhere all at the same time when away from each other. Maybe the breeze and you made a promise that whenever we are apart it will come and go to remind me you are always there.
The Water: When I look at Water, I am reminded of how you quench and cleanse me. The Water keeps me moving and hydrated, without it I cannot live; without you I cannot live. The Water washes all of the dirt and world away, as do you. Maybe The Water and you have a language of your own where it taught you the tricks of how to be saved and cleanse me. You are my Holy Water.

The World is so marvelous and intriguing, just like you. I have tried to wrap my head around how you are the Heavens and the Earth and everything in between, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to solve the mystery that you are.