We walk to a river
Mud oozing under our feet
Grass pushed down into the earth
Trees rising above us
Sunshine beating on our heads
so that our hair is hot to the touch

Birds calling to each other
like lovers in a stretch of night
yearning to hear one another’s voices

We are here now and
you are glowing in the light

Lay down the blanket on the wet grass
kick off our shoes
arms intertwining
lips hitting

Quick giggles and head turns
to make sure we’re alone

A quick connection of our eyes And I was lost in thoughts of
how did I end up here in
this moment

with you

Moments when you feel
the quietness in your head
to not fear your next thought
to not have a hole in your stomach
that is consuming you up until the moment
you fall asleep at night

Moments where there is peace
a hum of the earth is all you can hear
the swaying of the trees as a light wind rolls in
and those birds calling to one another
like my soul is calling to yours
take me as I am